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Kelev Tov (NGO establishing) was established in response to the events of October 7, which resulted in various needs in Israeli society. Following these events, many people mobilized to help and participate in the national effort. Kelev Tov primary objective is to aid in the integration of dogs that were displaced from their homes due to the events of October into the homes of foster families. It also provides professional help to dog owners whose dogs experienced trauma and anxiety due to the said events.

Kelev Tov primary goal is to connect between foster and adopting families to professional dog trainers. The trainers, who are well versed and experienced in canine culture, recognize the families' need for professional guidance and do their best so your dog will behave the best; a happy dog makes a happy family.

Other than acting as a mediator between the families and the dog trainers, we are also happy to provide answers to burning questions, consultation and support to all sides along the journey.

Kelev Tov aims to lead the canines culture in Israel, believing that dogs are indeed man's best friend. Dogs possess incredible abilities, from saving lives on the battlefield to saving souls in the therapeutic-emotional field. As graduates of the Oketz Unit, we affirm from our military background that we have experienced firsthand the wonderful abilities of our four-legged friends to save lives and souls in Israel. Alongside other big-hearted citizens with the desire to contribute, we founded Kelev Tov (NGO establishing) to produce quality connections that will provide a fertile and stable ground for saving souls. We aim to continue our efforts and be there for those who need us at all times, both in war and in peace.

If you require assistance and professional support Please Click Here

Dog trainers who wish to volunteer for the training system Please Click Here

If you would like to make donations please Click Here

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